President's Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW)
Curriculum Integration Grants
Deadline: Curriculum Integration Grants for the Summer of 2023 are due on March 24, 2023 by 4:30 pm.
Download the 2024 Curriculum Integration Grants Flyer. See syllabi produced by some of the past recipients of the Curriculum Integration grant.
Read the news releases on past recipients: 2018, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011.

Guidelines for the Curriculum Integration Grant
Two summer grants in the amount of $2,700 each are available for the integration of the experiences and perspectives of women into the curriculum. The grants are intended for use in the summer of 2024 by tenured or tenure-track faculty members and may lead to future publication opportunities with the assistance of the LT&ITC (The Learning, Teaching, and Innovative Technologies Center) through their initiative on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL).
Curriculum Integration Grants are awarded to support the completion of one of the following projects:
- revision of a course
- revision of a general education course for Study Abroad program
- creation of a new course
- re-conceptualization of a current minor
- creation of a new minor
Proposals will be reviewed by selected members serving on the Academic Issues Subcommittee of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women. Successful proposals should demonstrate a commitment to innovative teaching techniques as well as careful consideration of the intersection of women’s concerns with notions about race/ethnicity, class, and sexual orientation. Given the recent reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, we particularly encourage proposals that engage students in a better understanding of this pervasive social problem. Priority will be given to courses that are developed or revised for the undergraduate curriculum and those that can be implemented within two years. Eligibility is limited to faculty who have not received a Curriculum Integration grant in the past four years.
Applications for this grant must include the following:
- the completed application cover page with the required signatures (yours, your chair’s, and your dean’s);
- a description of the project, including (a) the pedagogical theories that are driving the course development, course revision, or minor creation, (b) how the resulting course/minor will be an asset to the curriculum of your department, college, and the university, and (c) how the resulting course/minor incorporates innovation in teaching/learning;
- statement of goals and objectives for the summer effort you will use to develop/revise the course (the tentative goals and student outcomes for the course itself can also be included);
- a timeline for completion and implementation of the project, including the schedule of work to be done during the development phase (summer 2024) as well as an indication of when the course would be offered or the minor would be available;
- a tentative bibliography of materials relevant to the development and implementation of the course/minor, including materials on the theories and methods of curriculum integration (i. e. sources about the pedagogical foundation for your approach to integrating women into the curriculum);
- a curriculum vitae.
Applicants should fill out the application cover page, collect the required signatures, and scan the form. Both the form and the proposal should be emailed to The deadline for submission of proposals is Friday, March 22, 2024. Please note: late applications will not be accepted or reviewed.
Grant recipients will be required to present the completed project to both the President’s Commission on the Status of Women and in a second forum, such as the LT&ITC, Scholar’s Week, or another MTSU forum. Recipients will also be required to provide the committee with a copy of the finished syllabus, course proposal, minor proposal, or revised minor no later than the fall meeting of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women.
Below are links to syllabi produced by some of the past recipients of the Curriculum Integration grant. The syllabi are posted for reference only. None of them may be reproduced or distributed without the permission of the author.
- Meredith Huey Dye (Sociology and Anthropology)
- Tricia Farwell (Journalism)
- Katie Foss (Journalism)
- Elyce Helford (English)
- Deanna Little (Music)
- Leah Tolbert Lyons (World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)
- Jane Marcellus (Journalism)
- John Maynor–Contemporary Political Philosophy (Political Science)
- John Maynor–Human Rights (Political Science)
- Felicia Miyakawa (School of Music)
- Kari Neely (World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)
- Karen Petersen (Political Science)
- Jeremy Rich (History)
- Laura White (English)
Grant inquiries should be directed to Dr. Meredith Dye at 615-898-5580 or
Fill out the application cover page (which will download automatically as a Word doc).
Contact Us!
Dee Priddis, Chair or (615) 904-8033
Parenting Resources, June Anderson Center for Women and Nontraditional Students or (615) 898-5812